## Scala for Java Developers ### Lesson 5 ~~~~ ## Review ~ What does `.find` do? Note: - It's a higher order function that finds the first element in a collection that matches the given predicate. - Why not use filter and take the first element? - Efficiency - find will stop on the first element matching the predicate, filter would continue. ~ What does reduce do? Note: - It collapses a collection into one value. It takes a function which collapses two values and returns one, then runs it across the whole collection. - How does it compare to `.fold`? - foldLeft and foldRight can return a different type of value at the end. - fold takes an initial value, and so it is safe to fold an empty collection. - When should you use reduce instead of fold? - When there's no sensible default/base value. - When you want to keep the knowledge that the list was empty. - I would advise you to always use reduceOption and its' varients. reduce is unsafe as it will fail on empty collections. ~ ## traits Note: - These are like interfaces in Java. - Not you can implement methods in an Scala trait, just as you can now in Java 8. ~ ## `case classes` What's a case class? How is it different to a normal class? Note: - Immutable by default - All fields are public by default - No need for new keyword when constructing - hashCode, equals, copy, toString ~~~~ ## Objects
Examples stolen from https://docs.scala-lang.org/tour/singleton-objects.html
~ In Scala, an `object` is a singleton. Note: - Is anyone not familiar with singleton? ~ Simplest kind of object: ```scala object Box ``` Note: We'll discuss why you might want trivially simple objects shortly. ~ More interesting object: ```scala object Logger { def info(message: String): Unit = println(s"INFO: $message") } //Usage def main(args: Array[String]) = { Logger.info("App started") } ``` Note: - Scala doesn't have static methods - But you can put methods on methods, which are then roughly equivalent to static methods. ~ ### Companion objects ```scala class Email(val username: String, val domainName: String) object Email { def fromString(emailString: String): Option[Email] = { emailString.split('@') match { case Array(a, b) => Some(new Email(a, b)) case _ => None } } } ``` Note: - Here we have an example of a companion object. - It's a companion because the object has the same name as the corresponding class. - In this example, `fromString` provides a safe way to create an Email from a String. (Safe in the sense it won't fail with an invalid email) - Private fields/constructors are visible among companions. ``` ~ Any questions about objects? ~~~~ ## Pattern matching Note: - This is a feature that's been in functionl languages for quite a long time. - But Scala is probably the first mainstream language to have it. ~ What is pattern matching? You can think of it as a switch statement on steriods. ~ ```scala def teacher(lesson: Int) = lesson match { case 1 => "Sonia" case 2 => "Povilas" case 3 => "Greg" case 4 => "Sonia" case 5 => "Greg" case _ => "Can't predict the future" } ``` Note: - Here's a simple pattern match in Scala. - Looks the same as a switch statement in Java. ~ ```scala def lessons(teacher: String) = teacher match { case "Sonia" => List(1, 4) case "Povilas" => List(2) case "Greg" => List(3, 5) } ``` Note: - And of course, just like Java 7 we can match on strings. - **But this is a bad example.** If we passed in "Lubo" as the teacher, this would blow up with a MatchError. - As a side note, this would generate a compiler warning, and it's good practice to set the warnings as errors compiler flag to avoid this. ~ But we can also do more interesting matches...
Example based on https://docs.scala-lang.org/tour/pattern-matching.html
~ ```scala case class Email(sender: String, title: String, body: String) case class SMS(caller: String, message: String) def notication(msg: Any): String = msg match { case e: Email => e.title case s: SMS => e.message } ``` Note: - Here we're pattern matching based on the type of the input. - **But this is horrible!** It takes `Any`, and will blow up if you don't pass it an Email or SMS ~ ### Safer typed pattern match ```scala sealed trait Notification case class Email(sender: String, title: String, body: String) extends Notification case class SMS(caller: String, message: String) extends Notification def notication(msg: Notification): String = msg match { case e: Email => e.title case s: SMS => message } ``` Note: - Now both `Email` and `SMS` extend `Notification`, so our function can take a Notification instead of anyone - But note that `Notification` is `sealed` - `sealed` ensures that `Notification` can only be extended/implemented within this file - This means we really know that this function is complete and it's impossible to pass it a Notification that it can't handle ~ ### Going even further... Extractors! ```scala sealed trait Notification case class Email(sender: String, title: String, body: String) extends Notification case class SMS(caller: String, message: String) extends Notification def notication(msg: Notification): String = msg match { case Email(_, title, _) => title case SMS(_, message) => e.message } ``` Note: - Case classes, and other things like Regex patterns, have extractors. - Here we're pulling out just the relevant fields. - Before, we were using reflection, now there's a different mechanism at play here. - I won't get into how that works, but you can do this with case classes, regexs, and implement it with your own libraries. ~ That's enough theory... Note: - There's more cool stuff in pattern matching, but let's stop there and apply this! ~~~~ ## Exercise ~ Most of Scala's features are actually library features not language features. Note: - People say that Scala is complex/powerful language. - It is powerful. But it's actually a small language with a few powerful features... - ...powerful enough to implement lots of features at the library level. ~ Let's prove that. ~ You've used Option. ~ Now reimplement it ~ ```scala sealed trait Option[+A] { def get(): A = ??? def map[B](f: A => B): Option[B] = ??? def getOrElse[B>:A](default: => B): B = ??? def orElse[B>:A](ob: => Option[B]): Option[B] = ??? def filter(f: A => Boolean): Option[A] = ??? def flatMap[B](f: A => Option[B]): Option[B] = ??? } case class Some[+A](get: A) extends Option[A] case object None extends Option[Nothing] ```
Hint: Use pattern matching
Note: - Here's a basic version of Option. - You will implement these methods on Option by replace all the `???`s. ~ ```bash cd path/to/scala-for-java-devs git stash git pull git checkout lesson5 ./sbt test ```
And of course, keep it immutable
The lesson is coming to an end...
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